2025 Club Board

President -N8NIJ – Dan Markowski

Dan Markowski
Dan has been a member of MARA since 1991 and has enjoyed the fellowship with its members. He is a General class license holder and enjoys working DX whether it be Voice, CW, or Digital. He was fortunate enough to get his DXCC award within his first year of licensing. He is a former US Navy radioman which was his reason for wanting to become a Ham. He is looking forward to serving on the board in 2017.

Vice President – K9BOJ – Paul Hummel

Paul is a “Misplaced” 9…eg Has not changed his call since his Wisconsin Novice days of 1957. Paul is mostly active on the HF bands using sideband, FT-8, and dabbles with CW. Paul also serves as Webmaster for W8USA.ORG and is the Newsletter Editor. In the past, Paul has served in several club offices including as Secretary to the Rock River Radio Club (RRRC) in Wisconsin, and as President of the Livingston Amateur Radio Klub (LARK) in Howell Michigan.

Treasurer – KD8SZZ – Corey Grahn

Corey Grahn
Corey has been a member of MARA since 2012. He upgraded to Amateur Extra in February 2014. He is an avid DX’er on HF phone and the recipient of the ARRL DX Century Club and WAS awards. In his free time, he assists in various tower projects of fellow hams.

Secretary – K8OOK – Mike Eilers

K8OOK - Mike Eilers
Mike began serving as club secretary in 2010. He is known in the club as Mr.County Hunter and loves working DX to contact unique places and special event stations. Even away from the radio, Mike will introduce himself if he sees an Amateur Radio license plate in a parking lot.

Club Trustee – KD8SZZ – Corey Grahn

Corey Grahn

Corey has been a member of MARA since 2012. He upgraded to Amateur Extra in February 2014. He is an avid DX’er on HF phone and the recipient of the ARRL DX Century Club and WAS awards. In his free time, he assists in various tower projects of fellow hams. Corey has now accepted the Board Position of Trustee to W8USA.